We believe in embracing and making use of natural elements whilst protecting you from them. As human beings we have a strong affiliation with nature, we believe good architecture maintains that connection.
Pure Architecture is passionate about forming close working relationships with our clients to design quality buildings that maintain this connection with our surroundings. Relationships based on trust, communication and an exchange of ideas. Our Architectural style doesn’t follow a set agenda but is focussed on pure, simple, functional designs that stand the test of time.
Pure Architecture have worked with clients on projects ranging from new homes & baches, large home extensions, commercial premises, office fit outs & simpler renovations & additions.
Our overseas experience extends to new schools and hospitals, residential sustainable housing schemes, high end residential new homes & high end historical residential listed building renovations.
Pure Architecture was formed in 2010 by Architectural Designer, Tony Irving. We are based in East Auckland and work on projects throughout New Zealand.
Architectural Director
e: tony@purearchitecture.nz
m: 0212118853